The Trickiest Thing About Women – and What to do About it

There’s the age-old saying that men are simple creatures. And it’s true, especially when it comes to relationships.

As long as she’s pretty, smart and won’t complicate your life, you’ve already won the dating lottery.

For women though, they have a more elaborate set of requirements that’s confusing to guys.

“Damned if you do and damned if you don’t” often applies when dealing with the opposite sex – it’s no wonder men find the female psyche baffling.

And those requirements I mentioned? Sometimes women don’t know what they really are in the first place.

For instance, you might think she wants a man who’ll treat her like a princess, worship the ground she walks on, and basically exist to serve her every need.


She may even believe the same thing too, but it’s the farthest thing from what she REALLY wants.

You can understand how confusing this is for the average guy.

But let me help you out here.

Most women have grown up believing in this going-all-out-white-knight-on-a-shiny-horse theory, but this fantasy doesn’t hold up in the real world of dating.

That’s why even if she thinks this is what she wants, she’ll actually end up bored to tears – if not freaked out – by this kind of behavior.

Worse, men who buy into this over-hyped belief end up spending obscene amounts of money on women they literally met a few days ago.

I mean, I get the idea that you should make the effort to make a woman happy, but it doesn’t apply to strangers – no matter how hot they are.

Usually, this kind of behavior comes out on the first date. Don’t be the guy who takes her out to a restaurant where the appetizers cost an arm and a leg, or any of that clichéd stuff.

Those things aren’t necessarily bad, but save it for when you’re celebrating your first anniversary. For now, you need to have a little self-respect and pace yourself.

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