The Cure For Shyness…? No more awkward silences around hot women…

Here’s something cool from the science department:

Did you know that the brains of shy or introverted individuals might actually process the world differently than more outgoing guys…?

About 20 percent of people are born with a personality trait called sensory perception sensitivity (SPS) that can show itself as the tendency to be shy and inhibited.

This can be seen in some children who are “slow to warm up” in a situation but eventually join in, don’t need much in the way of punishment, cry easily, they ask unusual questions or think a bit deeper, the study researchers say.

The new results show that these highly sensitive guys also are more detail oriented, and have higher activity in certain parts of their brains when trying to process visual information than those who are not classified as ‘highly sensitive.’

Now if you consider yourself even SLIGHTLY shy, imagine this…

No more awkward silences around hot women, no more failed flirting attempts…

Imagine if you found it easy to talk to women in such a way that sexual tension and chemistry gets built up between the two of you?

Go watch this short video, it’s packed with amazing tips on how the female mind works, and how to talk to women...

You’ll finally understand why hot women lose interest in you, why they fantasize about other types of guys, and most importantly…

How to become the kind of guy who peaks her sexual intrigue, who she can’t stop thinking about, who she actually chases after…

Watch this Video

Stay Alpha…!

– Carlos Xuma


PPS: Yeah, it’s a few minutes to watch it, but it sure beats wasting HOURS and HOURS only to mess it up with a woman, right?

Just take 10 minutes out of your busy youtube surfing and Watch THIS…

Flirt With Women

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