Raise Your Standards


I’ve been teasing, doing the dance, and being a little naughty. I’m also mysterious. I use everything you’ve written
about. The thing is that I’m a very good looking guy and my humor may spice things up for the girl, but it’s getting
boring for me.


I’m naturally funny, charismatic, and charming. I can’t seem to communicate to a girl without being turned off by how excited they are and the uninteresting conversations I have out of feeling bad for their stupidity that comes out from their self-doubt and excitement. They start moving real fast and fidgeting around me, yet they want to keep talking to me and finding out about me.

I feel like my looks put girls in awe, because they just stare at me like hawks. I’ve been getting secret admirer
emails and phone calls, saying “you seem to be a very nice person and I wish I could get to know you better.” Maybe
that’ll give you a good picture. What do I do? Please reply, as this is probably my most important email. I feel kind of stuck.

Thanks man,





So you have women that are attracted to you… You’re gaming them just fine…

And now you’re bored…

While every guy out there lights a candle and prays for you, I’m going to tell you that maybe it’s time to – RAISE YOUR STANDARDS!

You’re obviously working on women that do not challenge you. I’ve found that this is often a problem for guys that get
this stuff down after one of my ebooks or the Alpha Man course, and then they get that empty feeling inside.

The cry out to the heavens “Is this all there is? Is there no more???”

What an existential crisis they must be going through.


Here’s a prescription for you, and I think it will help you get through your crisis of faith here:

1) Realize that most women aren’t very challenging once you’ve got your shit together. You see through their canned acts and tests and it’s easier to start being the man you always suspected you were. No need to supplicate or worship them. Just be the Alpha and take the lead.

2) Move up to a higher class woman. Find a rich chick with DD implants and lots of disposable income, as well as a yacht and a Lear jet. Call her your sugar mama. Then send me a monthly support check.

3) Get plastic surgery and make yourself real plain looking so you can feel that electric thrill of attracting women
again with a challenge to overcome. Seriously, stop crying to me that you get all the women you want because you won the genetic lottery and learned how to attract women from my books. (You aren’t 100% “natural.” 🙂 Don’t identify with your looks, because one day they won’t do you anything and you’ll have to stand on quality of character and ability. That’s where you can really shine, if you want.

5) Start deciding what it is you want out of life.

That last one – #5 – I am dead serious about.

Inevitably when guys set their sights on winning women over, and then they learn how the game goes, and they get some easy success. They start to sabotage themselves.


Because they thought this was THE ultimate goal. To attract women and get laid. And when that gets easy, they start to lose faith and motivation.

You see women inspire men to dare to accomplish great things.

And when they realize it means we don’t worship them anymore, they try to distract us from finishing them.

I’m kidding… sorta.

What you have to do is find a noble goal that will challenge you, besides women.

If you set that as your primary achievement in life, you’ll always be disappointed.

Trust me.

Love them, lead them, make them happy they’ve got you, but don’t make them your be-all end-all.

Even women don’t want that.

Stay Alpha,
– Carlos Xuma

female body language

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