Boost Your Testosterone And Be A Man She Wants

Testosterone has been associated with “manhood” for quite sometime now. A guy who has “IT” seem to be the perfect specimen of a man with bulging muscles and packed abs, which, women find themselves attracted to.

You want to be that guy…the guy women can’t get enough of. The guy any woman wants to be with. The guy no woman can say no to.

And why not right?

But, jumping into increasing your testosterone levels can be scary if you are not well informed. You must have heard comments that it makes guys overly aggressive, violent and a jerk.


So what’s is the truth? What is testosterone anyway?

Testosterone is defined as a male sex hormone that is important for sexual and masculine development. It plays a key role in the creation of muscle mass and strong bones. It’s also responsible for the development of men’s deeper voices.

This definition doesn’t make you a bad human being right? In fact, it makes you a better male version of you.

Here’s what happens when your T levels are LOW:

  • Lack of confidence
  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Low energy levels
  • Loss of desire to have sex
  • Higher fat storage


And when your T levels are HIGH, you have…

  • Higher muscle mass
  • Higher energy levels
  • Improved cognition
  • Decreased risk of osteoporosis
  • Increased libido

If that’s the case, then increasing your T levels is good…heck, even awesome!

How to optimize it? Here are a few tips…

Tip # 1: Exercise…exercise…exercise!

Develop the habit of exercising. It will be hard at first, but, if you do it for a few weeks your body will get used to it. You wont find it challenging anymore.

Consult with a physical trainer on the proper exercise plan you can do. Stick to it and not only will your T levels increase…you’ll feel great and confident in no time.

Tip # 2: Lose that weight

Staring at your-self in the mirror and seeing those extra bulges will not make it go away. You need to start altering your eating habits. It’s time to eat those healthy stuff.


Stay away from fatty food. If you have no clue how to do it, consult with a nutritionist…they can plan your meals and all you have to do is eat them.

Tip # 3: Time to make a Lifestyle change

If you’re used to sleeping less than 8 hours a day for whatever reason…then it’s time to stop that and get enough sleep. Ample sleep is important in increasing your T levels because your body uses this time to produce Testosterones.

Moderate your alcohol intake…yes, we love that beer and it’s makes us manly when we do but, remember that taking this stuff has a negative impact on your T level which prevents your body from producing Testosterones.

No one said looking good is easy or can be attained with just a snap of your finger. If it is, then we’ll all be looking great.

That’s not the case.

If you want to stop feeling envious of guys who seem to have it going on…then you need to pay your dues and make an effort to be one.

Just stick to your goal…and you’ll be the man women can’t keep their hands on.


By the way, my buddy created this weird cocktail in his kitchen. Used the most common kitchen ingredients.

“Carlos,” he says, “it raises your testosterone 75% overnight. Here are studies that prove it.”

And that’s just one of the things he does that raises his T levels through the roof without chemicals.

CLICK HERE to discover what he does to raise his T-levels…

Stay Alpha…

– Carlos Xuma
confidence with women

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