Are you good enough for her?

If you’re with a woman you love so much that you’d “do anything” for her, go to the moon and back, take a bullet for her – that sort of thing…

… And you’ve invested effort, time, money…but, still you feel incompetent and what you’re giving isn’t enough – you really need to think about the situation you’re in.

couple quarreling

You might be in a toxic relationship

Ask yourself what you’re getting out of this partnership and be honest with your answer. If all you face is pain and agony, and it feels like your energy is sucked out of you every time you’re together… then consider that you’re probably in an unhealthy relationship.

Especially if your only argument for staying is the free and easy sex. (And even that ain’t so easy or free anymore…)


It’s time for you to think of the big picture and see if this is the kind of life you want for yourself. Imagine what you’re going through right now, then imagine a life where everything is fun, and positive.


IMAGINE: You’re laughing,  you’re happy, and problems seem to disappear when she’s around. She makes you feel adequate, respected, and makes you want to be a better man.

Which situation would you rather be in?

She might not be the right woman for you..

Sometimes, we can be blinded so much by love that we don’t see the reality that’s right in front of us – maybe she’s not “THE ONE.”

And because you’re unwilling to accept this fact, you’re missing out on all the opportunities you could be having with someone who’s closer to what you want. Stop looking at this as “better than nothing,” and realize that you’re actually wasting your time.

You could already be with the woman who can and will reciprocate the same love and attention that you give.

She just doesn’t love you like you love her

For a lot of guys, this is a difficult truth to accept – maybe it’s because of your male ego stopping you from seeing the reality. There’s a chance she just doesn’t have the same feelings for you. You might – in fact – be her “better than nothing” guy.

So you stick with it, take all the abuse so she’ll stay with you. By the way, abuse isn’t always overt – it’s not always someone verbally cutting you down, or hitting you with a frying pan. Sometimes it’s the abuse of denial, numbness, and a slow yet certain death by boredom and lack of passion. Consider that.


And because she senses that you’re scared to lose her – she takes advantage – and you become a willing victim.

The question is not if you’re good enough for her. The question is:


 What a woman wants:
Love, Respect, to be desired, Security and Stability.

If you’ve given all these things, all that she could really want, there’s NOTHING wrong with you. Remember that feeling “not good enough” is the manifestation of low self-esteem and insecurity – which both drag you down and kill your spirit.

“You are good enough, and you don’t need to prove that to anyone – even yourself.”

What I’m pointing out is that it’s time to make a change. Be aware that sometimes when you’re in a rut, it’s sometimes difficult to remember your own value. It slips away from you like sand between your fingers.


And if she doesn’t see your value – and appreciate it – then perhaps it’s time for you to move on and find somebody who’ll be the woman you need, and give you what you deserve as a man.

If you want to have a masculine confidence to get any woman you desire, watch this video…

Stay Alpha,

– Carlos Xuma

confidence with women

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