A BRUTAL Test That You MUST Pass…


There is this girl who i recently met, it seems like she is into me…

only thing is,, i went for coffee with her and her friend today and her friend kept talkin to her about other guys and wheneva a ‘decent’ lookin guy would walk past they would both comment on how hot he is…
i didnt know how to react to this as its neva happened before…

so any advice or insight would be really appreciated…
This is a brutal situation for most guys. It’s not easy to handle it when you’re with a woman that you think is into you, and you’ve got someone pushing her buttons like that – and YOUR buttons.
You should understand that this is one of two things:
1) It’s a test.
You can’t respond any other way than if you really don’t care.
Heck, if you really want to impress her, you should ENCOURAGE her to dig on the other guys.
Because ANY OTHER REACTION will demonstrate just how insecure you are.
And that gets you booted out of her booty-camp. (That’s one of those lines that sounded good in my head, but I’m not sure about it here… hmmm.)
That’s the worst part about this kind of test. She knows that you’re into her, yet she still wants to see what you’re made of.

2) This is also a way to tell you that she’s not interested in you that way, or she thinks you’re a wuss.
I can tell the girl you’re with is very young. Like, 21 or younger.
The older a girl is, the less likely she will be to do this sort of thing, if only out of respect for your feelings.
The sad reality is that some girls just don’t care about your feelings, or that it might “hurt” to say that sort of thing in front of you to get a rise out of you.
Both of these girls were behaving disrespectfully and mean-spirited. They wanted to see what kind of reaction you would give.
In reality, it shouldn’t matter that much to you because you’ve got at least a few other girls on the back burner that you can easily give your time to. And they should SENSE this from you.
My advice is to:
1) Toughen your hide a bit.
Life is a contact sport. Chicks will do stuff like this. Don’t let it get to you.
(If this sort of thing gets to you a lot, you should look at THIS: Click here...)
2) Go find some girls who are into you, and don’t let ANY woman disrespect you.
When she shows her true colors like this, do you think the treatment would get any better if you were her boyfriend?
Uh, no.
In fact, it would probably be a situation where she just keeps playing you to see how much you’ll take.
Go meet some QUALITY women.
There are plenty to be found, if you know where to look.
You can also look here…

confidence with women

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