Roller Coaster Love – Lessons On Making Her Fall For You

An amusement park offers a variety of attractions, rides and other events – all designed to make anyone feel an excited and happy. The full bright colors, rides that give you the power to fly – all built to unleash the child in you.

When you first go in, anticipation kicks in and there’s an immediate sensory overload. All your problems go away, reality’s out the window, and you immediately focus on the moment – right here, right now.

This trick that amusements parks play on you and your emotions can help you understand how to make her fall in love with you. What you need to do is understand it’s mechanics and what it does to that appeals to your brain and create that feeling of “fun” instantly.


Here are just a few of the “tricks” amusement parks use that you can leverage to create more connection and faster attraction with women.

Create A thrill

The exciting rides like a roller coaster where you’re thrown fast up in the air and it goes down just as fast is the kind of thing you need to make her excited and thrilled. That “fast and the furious” feeling has that effect of making anyone let go of any inhibitions they may have.

That sensation you get – knowing you could possibly die – will make her bond with you on a deep level. She’ll lean on you for support and time will slow down and it’d be just you and her. Enjoying the moment.


Like in the movie “The Notebook” where Noah Calhoun (Ryan Gosling), a working class boy, falls in love with Allie (Rachel McAdams) who’s an upper class girl. There was this part where Noah walked out in the middle of the road and laid down. He asked Allie to lay down with her. At first she said no, but, after awhile conceded and lays down beside him. It was a thrilling experience for her.

I’m not recommending you do exactly the same thing, but something close could – like a real roller coaster ride. Just make her excitement build up and be ready to reassure her and the exciting energy.

Love and novelty

Research says, amusement park is the better romantic place for a date. This is where you can let loose, have fun and feel all sorts of positive emotions, which, you normally won’t have when you’re at a restaurant (the usual place for a date).

Research also suggests that people have a higher risk of “falling in love” when on vacation. It’s because at that moment you feel free, you’re curious about your environment and most likely to be friendlier to the people you meet.

Amusement parks offer that illusion of “on a vacation”.

Take her somewhere that’s not her normal hangout, somewhere that she won’t know anyone, and feel a bit out of her element. This will naturally bond her to you in a way you can’t get anywhere else.


So, go to places like outside of the city or if you can, out of the country. Take her where she hasn’t been before. Explore and get to know the environment together. A special connection will surface and that will shoot up your chances of her falling in love with you.

The joy of “almost”

Gambling is extremely popular, and for most people it’s the way they pass the time. Research showed that our brain responds to “near miss” outcomes. It increases the desire and motivation to continue playing until you get a win.

It’s an exhilarating feeling for her, and it’s likely all new thrilling emotions would surface. And you’re there on the receiving end, encouraging her.

There’s this technique called “Push-Pull” which, if you used it right, will amp up a woman’s attraction for you – regardless of your financial and physical status. It’s basically a “chase” technique where she would find herself wanting more of you because she feels like she might not be able to win you.

For example, when you’re with her, give her a compliment. Then after you do, say something teasing that would pique her interest. Don’t be scared to disagree with her or be a little contentious.


The objective here is to ignite different emotions from her – like be nice to her now (pull) and then push by teasing her right after to show you don’t care, and that you don’t need her approval.

This is a classic strategy that nearly ALWAYS works.

Remember, dates should be fun and relaxed…for both of you. The more you’re both having a great time, even if initially the chemistry isn’t there, the more you’re assured that the experience will be a memorable one for her. You’d be amazed how much you can overcome her resistance just by making things a little exciting and fun for her.

If you want to have that sexual confidence to reignite her passion for you, check this out…

Stay Alpha,

– Carlos Xuma

confidence with women

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