Stop Being a Wuss and Get The Girl

Fact: Women dig strong men.

But it’s not always about bench pressing a couple hundred pounds or having a black belt in jiu-jitsu. Sometimes, it’s also about having a strong grip on your emotions and not cracking under pressure.

It’s that kind of inner strength that women crave. When you’ve got that rock-solid core of attitude, it doesn’t matter whether you’re a nerdy computer programmer or a scary drill sergeant.

What really counts in attracting women is being a grown-up in every sense of the word. In the back of most women’s minds, the hallmark of the ideal guy is someone who can take crap from her AND the world.

Here are a few ways you can be that man for her:

#1: Staying Frosty

That means keeping a cool head when things go wrong. Women are seriously turned off when a guy loses it just because the waiter gets their order wrong or it starts to rain when he had a picnic date planned out.

In a nutshell, being the emotionally mature man is about two basic things: having a backup plan when the crap hits the fan, and keeping your emotions in check.

You can’t expect to impress women if you don’t demonstrate basic leadership qualities that assure her you’re a stable partner.


Back when people still lived in the wilderness, surviving another day literally meant planning ahead for stuff like unpredictable weather changes and external threats such as wild animals and bandits.

And these evolutionary instincts still resonate with us to this day. What this means for you:

  • Learn to plan ahead for dates. Have a contingency plan and anticipate stuff that could go wrong so you don’t break a sweat when something comes up.
  • Read up on how to keep cool, such as books like “Anger Management for Dummies” (not to say you’re a rageaholic, but thinking clearly under emotional distress is a valuable skill any guy should learn).

#2: Turning The Tide

Nothing gets a woman hotter than a guy who not only stays cool in a crappy situation, but can also change his circumstances and come out on top.

Let’s say some drunk guy at a bar started getting in your face and calling you names. If you gave him what he wanted by reciprocating his douchebag attitude, then you’ve already lost.

But if you “agreed” with him to a ridiculous level (“You’re totally right about my hipster beard bro, in fact I should keep growing it and become a full-time wizard”), it robs him of the power to get under your skin – and exposing him for the fool he is.

This is high-value demonstration at work – learn to use this to your advantage, and you’ll get a girl thinking about you romantically.

#3: Connecting With Her

The most important advantage of being cool about life’s unpredictability is having a higher emotional intelligence than other men.

As you might know, women are all about emotions, and if you’re able to relate to them in that way, you’ll connect with them effortlessly.

A mark of an emotionally intelligent guy is being able to talk about things that inherently appeal to women, like sharing anecdotes and experiences that are chock-full of feelings (i.e. describing events from an emotional perspective).


That said, save the football talk for your buddies who appreciate that kind of thing.

Most guys who are good at attracting women can switch gears by talking about difficult situations they got out of, for instance. But of course, they highlight what they felt instead of flat-out bragging about how badass they are (in other words, imply it, don’t say it).

So, these are some of the qualities you can start cultivating today in order to build up that inner masculine strength women crave. Start working on those Alpha habits if you want to lay down the groundwork to get you there.

If you want a stronger foundation for your masculine personality however, you’ll need to stay ahead of a problem known as T-Bleed. It’s a condition that’s causing men to lose their testosterone without them even knowing it.

Being informed is the first step to taking control of the situation. Learn more about it here.

Stay Alpha,

– Carlos Xuma

female body language

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