How to Attract & Connect With Women – Without Turning Into A Total Wussy Nice Guy – Part 2

So if you want to counter this tendency towards “nice guy” behavior, and you want to get the women you truly deserve to have, then let’s start with…

How To Attract Women – The Commandments

There are certain rules to getting a woman to feel sexual attraction for you. These rules are carved in stone, and if you disregard them, you will be spending many nights alone…



Now, I realize that men everywhere are always looking for a reason to ignore good advice. Usually, we ignore advice with one of two blockers. The first blocker is “Yeah, I know that…” The second blocker is: “That’s wrong.” If you hear that voice coming up in your head, switch it off so that you can get past these blockers. That’s just your ego trying to protect itself.

Men are also quick to think that they are “special” or “different” – that the rules don’t apply to their situation. Or their girl is also special or different or somehow outside the rules. So he can recklessly abandon good strategy and do it “his way.” Which inevitably screws it up.

If you think the girl you want right now is truly unique or special, that means that what I’m about to say will apply to you even more.


You may be in your own self-imposed blind spot – a place where you’re oblivious to your own behavior or nature. Which means that you have to take a deep breath and let down your shields preventing you from looking at yourself. Be willing to see yourself in the cold light of day. Drop your ego to get to the solution.

Because – as the saying goes – if you can’t stop doing what you’ve been doing, you’re going to keep getting what you’ve been getting.

Let’s get started with:

ATTRACTION COMMANDMENT 1) Thou Shalt Not Give Up Thy Masculine Power

The critical mistake so many guys make is to give up their power to a woman as soon as they can. This is part of that belief that if they just make things “easy” enough for a woman, they’ll get to sleep with her.

You must keep your balls and never hand them over. You will never hear a man say: “Gee, I’m so happy I gave up all the power in the relationship to my girl. I get so much more sex now than I used to.” In fact, the opposite will probably happen. (No matter what all those romantic comedies and television sit-coms might tell you.)

I know this may sound slightly archaic, but in all successful relationships that I’ve studied, the man has kept his dominant (but sensitive) role in the relationship. Women test men by struggling a little for the power early in the relationship. If he keeps it, she stays. If he gives it up, she gradually loses attraction until she finds a man who won’t.

ATTRACTION COMMANDMENT 2) Thou Shalt Not Treat Hot Women With Awe & Worship

In other words, you’re going to have to stop “pedestalizing” women. Society has trained us guys to not only hand over our balls, but also to worship women as some kind of angels and gift from the heavens. In fact, if you even suggest anything else it comes out like you’re some kind of woman-hating monster. Politically incorrect.

The only women that want to be put up on a pedestal are the women who are so insecure that they’re incapable of loving you back. The woman that needs to be worshipped is the woman that will never meet any of your needs.

And, frankly, most hot women don’t want to be treated that way. They’re desperate to break free from that kind of fantasy image of purity. It’s a weight on their shoulders to keep that act up all the time.


ATTRACTION COMMANDMENT 3) Thou Shalt Not Buy Her Affections

Ever try to buy your way into a woman’s heart?

Every guy tries it at some point or another. He’ll start out with the “buy her a drink” strategy, and it only gets worse from there. What it amounts to is thinking that if you just prove your intentions with your wallet, or if you can build up enough of an implied debt with her, you’ll get laid. (After all, after buying her dinner and drinks, doesn’t she owe it to you?)

Once in a blue moon, it works. But most of the time it doesn’t. It makes her angry that you put her in that kind of no-win situation.

Using your credit card to impress her is the fastest path to being used. And it creates the kind of bitterness against women that you can’t wash out of your mouth.

Use your heart and your head, not your wallet.

ATTRACTION COMMANDMENT 4) Thou Shalt Use Her (Good) Emotions To Create Attraction

This is a key to attraction that men overlook over and over again. Probably because we’re clueless when it comes to the playground of emotions and how to use them to our benefit. Most of the time, guys feel victimized by a woman’s emotions.

It’s time to understand how emotions work, and how to make them work for you. You don’t have to feel all the emotions you work with, but you need to understand how to use excitement and challenge to keep a woman interested in you.

ATTRACTION COMMANDMENT 5) Thou Shalt Keep Thy Insecurities Hidden

Let me give you a classic example of an insecurity that almost ALL men have. It’s that insecurity in the first few minutes of meeting a woman, wondering if she’s attracted to you.

Now, how do most guys handle this uncertainty? They usually find a way to brag or show off, hoping in some way that she will give him some positive feedback that makes him feel like he’s liked.

This insecure strategy is called “fishing for feedback.”


It’s hard to avoid, but you need to avoid using it because she knows what you’re doing. She knows the same way you can tell when she’s trying to get you to compliment her on her appearance when she puts herself down.

Her insecurities you can overlook once or twice. But when a woman sees the same thing in you, she will be repulsed. It reeks of neediness, which tells her you might be weak.


For some reason guys intuitively understand this one – since we’re driven to desire more than just one woman. But we seem to ignore it just the same.

When it comes down to that “special girl” you’ve got your eye on, it’s easy to come down with “One-itis.” One-itis is the dreaded disease where you can’t stop focusing all your efforts on one woman. The obvious negative effect is that you usually start being a little too “there” for her, and it eventually feels needy – sometimes creepy – to her.

Date many women – so that you keep your head clear and your attitude sharp. It also keeps you in touch with reality, and avoids that obsession that kills a promising romance.

ATTRACTION COMMANDMENT 7) Thou Shalt Leave Her Wanting More

This is the first rule of show business: Leave the audience wanting more.

Watch any stand-up comedian, and watch how they end their act – it’s always right on a high note, when the audience is in the middle of a big laugh.

And that’s exactly how you want to leave her on every meeting and date. If you leave her overly “satisfied,” you won’t give her that lingering sense of longing for the next time. NEVER out-stay your welcome.


Attraction is the only thing you should be concerned with initially. If she doesn’t feel that zing – that WOW-factor that tells her that there’s something there, it’s unlikely to grow into a full-on sexual attraction.

THE LAW: If you don’t create Attraction & Chemistry the first time you meet her, you’ll never have her.


Yes, I realize I said that in very absolute terms, and there are exceptions to the rule. But there are very few exceptions, and the exceptions I’ve seen have made for some really horrible relationships. The kind where they’re together out of convenience, not attraction. Inevitably, one – or both of them – cheat on the other one just to get out of the relationship.

If you want to be “nice” to a woman, make her feel hot for you. That is what “nice” is all about.

So many guys operate under the assumption that if they “do nice things” for a woman, such as buy her gifts, compliment her, etc., that these things will “MAKE” her feel attraction.

As you may have discovered the hard way by now, wussing your way into her heart is not going to work.

Remember: Women want STRONG Alpha Men. Guys who can lead them and protect them.

Don’t make the mistake of believing that women want jerks. They only desire certain “Alpha” qualities the jerk possesses and that the Nice Guy is afraid to show. These Alpha qualities act like a potent drug on her nervous system, blinding her (temporarily) to the reality of the Jerk’s bad influence.

Eventually she finds herself emotionally locked to someone she doesn’t like, but can’t seem to get away from.

What you can offer her as an Alpha Man is the kind of powerful boost to her nervous system that she needs. She’ll get the best of both worlds.

She’ll feel gut-level attraction to you, as well as a deep connection that makes her feel safe with you.

If you want to have that sexual confidence to reignite her passion for you, check this out…

Stay Alpha,

– Carlos Xuma

female body language

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