Why do women lie?

As a guy, you must have lied a lot of times to wriggle yourself out of a tight situation. Especially on any that involved being late on your date with your girlfriend.

Or when you’re hiding something from her, or worse… if a guy’s cheating on her.

A survey conducted by OnePoll, a survey-led marketing research company specialising in online and mobile polling, says that men are more likely to tell a lie than women.


And says that a guy would lie to make him look awesome in the eyes of others, like he’s “THE MAN” or the “BIGGER” man in the relationship.

According to the survey, here are the Top 5 lies men tell:

1. I didn’t have that much to drink.

2. Nothing’s wrong, I’m fine.

3. I had no signal.

4. It wasn’t that expensive.

5. I’m on my way.

With all these, you might have successfully made her believed your lies. But, have you ever wondered if she tells you a lie too?

Everyone is guilty of stretching the truth from time to time. No one is perfect.


So, how would you know if SHE is being dishonest?

Here’s how:

Pay attention.

When she’s explaining something, make sure you listen.

Listen for the fine details. Like, when she’s late on your meet-up or when she doesn’t answer your calls. Listen carefully for what her excuses are.

That means you don’t interrupt her. Control the need to lash out in anger. Let her fully reveal her hand to you before you make a final judgment.

Observe her.
Is she providing you with too much information? Are the series of events of what she did, where she was, are they connected to each other?

If her explanation is far-fetched, she might be lying to you. (Remember Occam’s razor: The simplest explanation is likely the right one.)

Look in her eyes too. Watch for that nervous twitch when she tells you the why and how.

According to the same survey, here are the Top 5 lies women tell:

1. Nothing’s wrong, I’m fine.

2. I don’t know where it is, I haven’t touched it.

3. It wasn’t that expensive.

4. I didn’t have that much to drink.

5. I’ve got a headache.

So, what makes a woman lie? Why would she lie to you in the first place?

Here’s why:

Why women lie – Reason #1: She wanted to test you.

Women have this tendency to see how you would react to certain situations. Just to assess you and confirm her understanding about you. Yeah it’s a test.


Like, if she wants to find out if you care for her. She might refrain from telling you the truth about where she’d been or who she’s been with, just to see if you’ll show some sort of jealousy.

That could make her say, “Ah, he does care for me”. That’s what women are doing when they play the jealousy card, by the way.

Why Women Lie – Reason #2: She wanted to manipulate you.

She would lie just so she can manipulate you into doing the things she wants you to do. She could be steering your thoughts and your feelings to the way she wants. Just like what our mothers would often do.

The sad part is, you may never know until it’s too late.

A simple example is, you’re planning a vacation. You wanted to play golf, she wanted to go and shop. After some conversation, somehow you’re on a plane flying to Los Angeles with her, wondering “WTF?”

Why Women Lie – Reason #3: She wanted to hide her past.

There could be some painful and embarrassing moments about her past that she feels like you wouldn’t be able to understand at this point. And so she’d lie to you about it, just to preserve the moment she has with you – OR to keep you from worrying.

She could lie to you about her ex-boyfriends too. Thinking, you wouldn’t be able to handle it.


A good example of this is when you ask her how many guys she’s slept with. Almost ALL women lower this number by half, using some twisted chick-logic that disqualifies previous guys based on her made-up rules.

Hey, it’s all in the name of trying to avoid looking like a slut.

We all lie at some point in our lives, the most important thing is to simply give her the benefit of the doubt before jumping to conclusion or assuming the worst.

If the intention is good, then be fair.

If you feel that she’s playing you, then, it’s time to bail.

If you want to learn more about this stealth technique for attracting women – go watch this special training video right now


Stay Alpha…

– Carlos Xuma

confidence with women

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