Women Aren’t Attracted To You If You’re Doing These

“I just don’t get it, man,” my good friend Steve said while chugging down his third beer, “things were going great and we were already making out.”

He was already three dates into a girl he really liked when he got the “You’re a nice guy but it’s just not working out” speech from her.

“I thought it was turning into something serious, then she dumped me out of the blue…over a text message! I mean seriously, who does that?”

Then he finished it off by saying, “After all that hard work, she just threw it in my face. God, why do I even bother?”

And that right there, is one of the biggest reasons why guys lose out with women.

I’ve seen a lot of other men like Steve utter that line in similar situations, which brings us to the first problem that typically plagues men…


#1: Having an “Entitlement Mentality”

I feel for guys who put in the effort, learn how to pick up women and try their luck. It’s not easy putting your ego on the chopping block, hoping the girl you like doesn’t chop it into a million pieces and flush it down the drain.

But it happens anyway – all the time.

So guys get bitter over getting burned. Then they develop this belief that women should throw themselves at guys just for showing up.

It’s what “nice” guys whine about: “Why aren’t women into me for being a harmless, non-threatening dude, unlike those a-holes who treat them like crap?”

It’s like saying you deserve a medal for not going to jail for shooting someone or robbing a bank.

Of course you’re supposed to be a decent human being! People don’t have to thank you for that.

Nothing hurts like a bitch more than rejection, I know. But if you’re going to flip out about it, you’re only making it worse for yourself.

As a matter of fact, you’ll let yourself slip deeper into your self-made downward spiral if you’re not careful. That’s why you have to avoid…

#2: Falling into the “Sinkhole of Despair”

Projecting your past experiences on new ones is the wrong way to go. Don’t set yourself up to fail from the start.

Guys like Steve approach women thinking they can’t “win” since all women are going to kick them to the curb like before.

And that’s really the core of the matter – assuming that all the good women are gone. Deep inside, a lot of men falsely believe they’ll never get a piece of the action because all the jerks have a lockdown on the women they want.

As a result, they get rejected because of the “I can’t screw this up or I’ll never get another shot” vibe that’s coming from the “sinkhole of despair” they’ve fallen into.

Fact is, women are EVERYWHERE.

There’s no shortage of potential partners to approach, and there NEVER will be. It just seems that way because of the FEAR and DESPAIR messing with your head.


Embrace this simple truth, and you’ll free yourself from all those needy, desperate behaviors. Once you understand that you just have to know where to look, you’ll never have to worry that you’ll run out of chances to meet hot, available women.

The less you fuss and whine, the more you get laid.

Ironic but true.

BUT aside from that, there’s another dating epidemic affecting men all over. It’s something I actually came across during my own experiences with women.

I had to act FAST, or it could have EXTERMINATED any chance of success I had with dating.

Did you know that once you hit a certain age, the testosterone level in your body starts dropping steadily? You’ll end up losing muscle tone, pack on the pounds and it could even CRIPPLE your sexual performance!

And if you don’t do something about it now, you’ll lose even more testosterone at an exponential rate until you’re only left with an emasculated shadow of your former Alpha self.

And did you know that women can sense this lack of masculinity even before you’ve applied any of the pickup knowledge you’ve learned?

It’s something I call T-Bleed, and you need to take action or risk losing your manhood without even knowing it.

If you want to know more about how to protect yourself from this little-known but devastating attraction killer, you should check this out.

Stay Alpha…

– Carlos Xuma

confidence with women

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