3 Tips To Bad Boy Style

So here are my…

3 Tips To Bad Boy Style

Bad Boy Style Tip # 1: Fashion Etiquette

Wear the right outfit. Be prepared on your first date to make that good first impression. Find out the right clothes for a specific event. Like, Tuxedos are for formal or traditional events such as weddings, operas, balls, and charity dinners. Jeans, trousers and shorts are for casual wear.

Bad Boy Style Tip # 2: Proper Fit

Make sure your clothes fit your physique. Do not wear loose clothes.

Pants shouldn’t touch the ground. Jackets should fit your chest and shoulders. These are just a few pointers. A tailor can adjust clothes that you have so it fits your body and showcase your best assets.

Bad Boy Style Tip # 3: Personal Style

Have your own personal style of dress and clothing. (Wearing your “default” clothing does not count as “style” by the way!)

Don’t be afraid to experiment on your clothing but always keep in mind that your outfit should enhance you and not overwhelm her. Make sure you broadcast the kind of man women would want to be with.


As long as you feel confident, no loose areas on your clothing and you dress accordingly, you should be on your way to make a solid presentation to any woman. You’d be amazed how few guys ever really take a little time to think through their clothing choices.

If you are taking care of yourself, you’re putting it out there that you are a man of value. Women will see you that way and that will give you those extra points before you even approach her.

Note that when you dress like an average guy, then guess what? She will see you as one.

Wear an outfit that exudes a high-value guy, and she will acknowledge you as the Bad Boy – the ALPHA man that women are attracted to.

So, always look your best. Take pride in your appearance.

When you look good, you’ll give off an aura of confidence that women want.

Stay Alpha…

– Carlos Xuma



confidence with women

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