Can You Love TWO Women At The Same Time?

Can you fall in love with two women? The simple answer is yes, but the level of love will probably be different. The first could be out of commitment and the second out of lust.

It’s always different, but the most common situation is that a guy would fall in love outside of his established long-term relationship. That means, you could either be married or have been with your girlfriend for a long time when another woman comes along.


A survey from showed that men fall in love quicker than women – 54 % of guys say they’ve felt love at first sight, compared to 44 % of women. Pretty crazy, huh? Most people would have guessed the opposite.

Also, 77 % of women say having personal space – that time to themselves – is important to them and rarely go out, while 23% of men need to have regular night outs with their friends.

This means, men would have a lot of women in their network. And finding that someone to connect with or fool around with will most likely present itself.

When a guy falls in love, it doesn’t happen instantly. We go through stages, which will lead you to a point where you need to decide you want to jump in or not.


If you are in a committed relationship, and you find yourself falling in love with another, you’ll want to take a look at why that happened in the first place.

Have you fallen out of love?

Or is the attraction with the second woman is just so intense that you can’t resist it?

Maybe you’ve only had a few relationships, and you’re still hungry to experience more women.

Whatever your reasons are, you have to be fair to both of them, and decide which one to keep and which one to let go. You can opt to keep them both, but it won’t be easy. I can tell you from experience, you’ll be in on a roller coaster ride of drama and you better be on your toes the whole time.

It’s not as if you’ll be spending twice the money and twice the time. It’s actually more like FOUR times the effort to keep two times the number of women.


If you’re trying to decide who to choose between the two, here are some tips that could help you with your decision:

1.   List all the PROs and CONs of each woman. Be very honest with your assessment. Make a list of the qualities they actually have, versus those you really want. Be realistic in that big boobs and a bubble butt are not essential. At the end of the day, if you can’t talk to this chick, you’re doomed.

2.   Figure out what is it really you NEED out of a woman. From the list, check off who can meet those needs, who’s more compatible with you. You might even want to “weight” each quality so you know what is truly important and which are just “nice to haves.”

3.   Check your feelings – who makes you FEEL, who makes you genuinely happy. They say you’ll know when she’s the ONE when you she’s the first person you think of when you wake up, and the last person before you sleep. (If you sleep! 🙂

Everywhere in the media these days you see the positive message about having an affair, but only you can answer for yourself if that’s a path you want to travel.


One thing is for certain: You have to be up-front and honest with the women in your life, even if it means risking losing one or both of them. There’s a toll that’s taken on your conscience when you’re misleading the people that are most important to you.

And you never need to lie…

If you want to learn more about this stealth technique for attracting women – go watch this special training video right now


Stay Alpha…

– Carlos Xuma

confidence with women

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