How To Get Emotional With Women Without Being a Wuss

Feelings: for guys, it’s the final frontier. Let’s admit it – as men, we’re not big on sharing our emotions.

Case in point: Ever notice how many books on self-help for men that AREN’T on the market?

Instead of taking our emotions apart, most of us would rather tinker with our cars or analyze the             socio-political themes in Watchmen.

Now I know there are exceptions to this, so if you like talking about your feelings, then props to you.


But for the vast majority of dudes out there – particularly those interested in meeting women – they’re hurting their game by not tapping into their emotional network.

Starting a conversation isn’t enough; you’ll need to actively engage her on an emotional level.

Otherwise, you might as well be STERILE. Fortunately, it isn’t that hard to trigger a woman’s feelings.

And no, it doesn’t mean pretending to gush over Eat, Pray, Love just to create that spark of attraction.

First of all, it’s OK to actually hint that you like a woman. It’s a delicate rope to walk for sure; being too direct may give away the game and turn her off.

But if you’re not working towards creating sexual tension early on, there won’t be any payoff at the end. No curiosity about your true intentions means no excitement.


And no emotional investment amounts to just another sterile interaction that leads to the Friend Zone.

To create an “is he or isn’t he into me” atmosphere, you need to be funny.

It’s the quickest way to crank her emotional gears big time without being too obvious that you like her.

You probably know that laughter releases feel-good hormones into a person’s system. This means that being humorous can literally get her addicted to your presence.

Comedians have a knack for giving a hilarious opinion about the most ordinary, everyday things that other people gloss over. Notice how they love exaggerating minor annoyances (e.g. the grumpy lady who took their order, midday traffic, or that pretentions handlebar mustache-wearing guy at the local Starbucks).

Pretending to get all serious and bent out of shape is what gets people laughing. Now, I don’t advise breaking out into a full-blown routine like you’re at a comedy club.

However, it is mighty useful to emulate the same playful spirit in a conversation. If you’re at a bar, try something like, “If that band plays any worse, I’m going to have musical PTSD before I get home tonight.”

Or if you’re at your local coffee grind, say, “Hey, you might wanna skip that espresso. I had one last week and I’m still feeling the effects…don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

But that’s just one half of being funny – the other part is making fun of her.


That’s right, you shouldn’t be afraid to push the envelope a little with a woman. Again, it takes a little finesse to pull this off (i.e. playful teasing without being offensive), but there is a huge reward to making her laugh this way.

The first step is to find something “safe” or inconsequential about her to make fun of.

Maybe her funky-looking bracelet has faux spikes on them; pretend to be scared that she’ll take your eye out if she isn’t careful. Or you can pretend to misunderstand something about her and keep teasing her about it.

One guy I know had fun with an indie chick at a record store. He pretended not to see the irony behind the huge image of an M16 emblazoned across her mock vintage shirt:

“I’d really like to keep asking for your advice on which Arcade Fire album I should try first, but I’m worried you might shoot me if I annoy you too much.”

So, creativity lies in simply keeping your eyes peeled for “material” you can use for your humorous exploits. Just make sure not to wander into Mean Territory, like her looks, age or weight.


Some women don’t appreciate a crack about their fake tan any more than a guy being insulted for his receding hairline. Don’t get too personal.

Other than those danger zones, you’ll be well on your way to make a woman associate those pleasant emotions with YOU. And you didn’t even have to tell her how that one episode of Grey’s Anatomy moved you to tears.

Speaking of things that can emasculate you, there’s this silent killer called T-Bleed which literally robs you of your testosterone. Some guys are actually prone to losing enough of it until they’re basically too sterile to attract women.

This is something you need to get sorted out ASAP. Check this out before you become another statistic.

Stay Alpha…

– Carlos Xuma

Flirt With Women

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