How To Make Her Want You Without Trying

If you’re like most guys interested in attracting girls, you probably think that changing a woman’s thoughts about you is pretty much impossible.

For instance, pretty much all the attractive women are going to assume that any guy who approaches them are going to hit on them or act in a pathetic “I-like-you-please-like-me-back” kind of way.

So that means you’ve already got your work cut out for you and convince her you’re not THAT guy. How do you get her to think otherwise about you?

In the movie Inception, one of the goals of the main character was to plant an idea in the head of important people, like a CEO of a major corporation, to influence events to their advantage. He did this by literally hacking into that person’s mind to make him think or feel in a certain way.

In the real world of course, this isn’t possible – and even if it were, it would be creepy and unethical to convince someone this way.


However, you can still get a woman to set you apart from other guys by making subtle but powerful suggestions in her head.

You can’t convince her by walking up to her and saying, “Hey, I’m totally not like those other men who you’ve shot down before…I’m not going to tell you how hot you are or buy you a drink – I’m different.”

It doesn’t work like that. You can’t convince a girl you’re a high quality guy with your words; only your actions can do that.

To make her less defensive around you, you need to act like an attractive guy. And the first way to do that is by learning the basics of attractive body language.

What you are on the outside can help give her an idea of who you are on the inside. Do your homework on the subject and learn how to convey your attractive personality through the right gestures and motions.

Aside from that, the most powerful way you can change a woman’s reality is by avoiding all the supplicating, needy behavior that she’s seen from other men. You know, complimenting her on something obvious like her looks or going through the predictable chit-chat that she’s learned to tune out.

If you’re coming from this place of neediness, you’ll never give her a chance to develop any feelings of attraction for you. There has to be some sort of sexual tension first, so you can use it to your advantage.

And the best way to do that is by leaving a little room for mystery. Make her think stuff like, “Is he into to me, or is he just really that funny with everyone?”

Instead of being dumbstruck by her looks (something she’s used to), subvert her expectations and have a little nerve to tease her a bit. Honestly speaking, most guys are too chicken to poke a little fun at a woman in a positive, good-natured kind of way because they’re afraid of offending her.

In truth, women will be more offended by looking at them with googly eyes and asking for their number without capturing their interest first.

So have a little faith and don’t put too much stock into what you believe she thinks about you.

In fact, you shouldn’t be so hung up on her opinion of you, since you’re just there to have a little fun and mess around with her.


Once she feels that absence of pressure – as in, not thinking, “Oh no, here’s another guy I have to turn down” – she’ll think to herself, “Well, this guy isn’t hitting on me – what’s up with that?”

She won’t know it, but you’ve just turned the tables on her. From here on out, she’ll be trying to convince YOU that she’s attractive.

Meanwhile, you have all the leverage to make her want you, thanks to your carefree, no-strings-attached, fun personality.

And that’s how the game is played, gents.

Speaking of which, if you really want to boost your inner game, you need to hold on to every bit of masculine power in your system. No matter how good your conversational game is, you can’t seal the deal if you’re suffering from T-Bleed, a condition that causes men to lose their testosterone.

The good news is that you can keep this from happening – check this out to learn more.

Stay Alpha,

– Carlos Xuma

Flirt With Women

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