5 Relationship Zones Worse than ‘the Friend Zone’

Oh, man – every so often I find a great article that just tells it like it is.

And the Friend’s Zone really does suck – but most guys don’t realize it’s not the ONLY zone that sucks.

I ran across this one on Cracked that just had me nodding my head the whole time.

My favorite part are the first few, but the cartoons really say it all. (I posted one here as well last week.)

Check this out, and comment below to tell me what you think….

Stay Alpha,

– Carlos Xuma


The Internet loves hating on “the friend zone,” because the Internet sees friendship as the highest form of torture a horrible woman can impose on a sweet and infallible man, because the Internet is 14 and a stupid piece of shit.

I’m not here to explain that “being in the friend zone” says less about the person who “put” you there than it does about the skewed way you view relationships (although, yes, someone should teach you that at some point).


I am here to tell you that you’re focusing so much energy on avoiding the friend zone that you’re missing the REAL threats …

#5. The “No One I’m Interested in Is Attracted to Me” Zone

Everyone finishes the occasional date feeling like there wasn’t any connection, but when you’re in this zone, you finish every interaction like this. You have such high demands for similarity that anything short of a carbon copy of you is going to be deemed alien and distant by your crazy-ass brain, and you’ll force them away from you with a defensive pre-emptive rejection. Because the truth is, your brain has tricked you into thinking that people who are attracted to you aren’t worth your time.


It’s counter-intuitive, because “high standards” is a good thing in most contexts, like choosing what wood to build your house out of or what gas to put in your car, but human beings aren’t made of wood or gasoline or anything else you can buy, so if your “standards” are anything other than “Does this person make me really happy and horny a lot?” then you’re unnecessarily narrowing your options and missing out on some killer sex.

It’s not that no one is happy being alone, and it’s not that you should just “take whatever you can get.” But if you find yourself scanning prospective mating partners for flaws rather than just enjoying their company, your whole approach to other humans could probably do with some revisions.

Click here to read the rest of the article

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