Help, She’s Being Mean: How to Get Rid of Your Inner Crybaby

Here’s an email from a reader that I think a lot of other guys can relate to:

“Hey Carlos, I’ve been going through your course which is really powerful stuff. But a lot of women…I mean a lot! …always give me this cold treatment routine which I’m getting sick of. I always see the same thing…she’s just sitting there and not making eye contact like I’m talking to a wall…or if she does talk it’s always some nasty comment to make me go away. I want to be this cool and fun guy they want to hang out with but I get pissed off when I get rejected and I barely said anything yet! I’d love to hear your thoughts on this.”

Here’s my reply:

Thanks for writing in. Let me answer your email by telling you that one of the first things I teach guys about attracting women is to NOT care.

I’m not saying you should screw up on purpose, but you shouldn’t let the possibility of failing paralyze you.

So what if she’s being rude or bitchy? Should you let that faze you in any way?


Look, I know it’s impossible not to feel anything, and I’m not asking you to. What you should understand though is that your feelings are not part of the experience.

Put them away in a little compartment, leave it at the door and pick it up on your way home. In the meantime, suck it up and power through her barrier.

Remember, your heart racing and adrenaline pumping is your body’s primitive survival mechanism to protect you from danger – whether it’s real or not.

When you’re standing on the edge of a tall building or being chased by a bear, the same mechanism kicks in to keep you alive.

But what’s the worst that could happen when she shuts you out? The ONLY thing that’ll break is your ego, but there’s an easy workaround to that.

And that means being thick-skinned. There’s no way around it.

Sorry to say, but you can’t get to the point where you’re bagging more dates than rejections without this kind of personal growth.

Like it or not, you need to stay in good spirits even if you’re getting crap from her. The reason why she’s putting you through that gauntlet anyway is because she wants to know you have a backbone.

If she can’t find it after a little poking and prodding, then she’ll move on to the next guy. End of story.

If you can’t handle a little heat from her, how can she be with someone who isn’t her equal? Think about that the next time you approach a girl.


And if she’s really, truly MEAN in the foulest sense of the word and starts hurling obscenities at you? Well, you have to factor in the occasional psycho, too.

But it’s real simple. Keep your head up, smile and say, “Nice talking to you, thanks for your time anyway.”

Respect is like social currency; you gotta give it to get it. Who knows, she might just backpedal and apologize.

If not, you can still walk away with your dignity and become a little wiser in the process.

Either way, you’re a winner.

And by the way, you should know that ALL men are at risk of being permanently unattractive to women because of an insidious testosterone killer called T-Bleed.

If you don’t want to be the next victim, you have to go over this information now.

Stay Alpha,

– Carlos Xuma

confidence with women

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