One of the most common questions guys ask is, "I want to know how to
get a girls number?"
we all know there's a simple answer: You
ASK for it.
But what most guys are REALLY asking is: "How do I get a girls number without being afraid of rejection - or being turned down?"
There are 3 secret steps for to how to get a girls
number. If you follow these, you'll have NO problem in getting her number.
Oh, and a little side benefit here is that you'll also avoid her Flaking out
on you later on. Ever call up a number a woman gave you and get "The number
you have reached...." No more of that.
How to get a girls number - Step 1) Nuke her fear...
The one thing a woman is leery of when men approach her is that the interaction will get weird - or
even creepy. She's just as afraid of things getting awkward as you are, and that should be a relief
for you to hear. That means you're not the only one with a little nervousness going on.
So one thing you can do to alleviate that fear she has is to
not appear needy or like you're just
trying to pick up on her. Yes,
you want to seem interested in her as a woman, but you don't want to
appear to be in it for just the personal gain.
The easiest way to do this is just to end by STARTING to walk away.
"Hey, it was cool talking to you..."
Then you START to turn away. This leads us to the next step.
How to get a girls number - Step 2) Make it attractive for her...
Just after you start to turn away, you turn BACK to her and say: "You know what? You seem
pretty fun. We might want to re-connect sometime."
What that technique of turning away then back does is establish that what I'm suggesting is almost
an afterthought, meaning low-key.
Laid back. No pressure.
It also establishes that she impressed you. "You seem pretty fun!" Which puts YOU in the
control seat right from the start.
And it offers up something that sounds attractive to a woman - "re-connecting." Women are
motivated to focus on relationships and connections with people more than anything else, so the
thought of re-connecting is especially powerful for her.
How to get a girls number - Step 3) Never ASK for the number.
A lot of guys are wishy-washy and they do the "scared salesman close": "Uhm... do
you... uh... think you might want to give me your number so I could call you sometime... maybe... if
it's not too much trouble...?"
That's totally weak.
You must simply TELL her what you want.
"Give me your phone number - so we can continue this conversation sometime." Pull out your
cell phone and just wait for her to give it to you.
It's that simple. And by telling her why, you've even removed any possible questions she might have
had in her head about why.
Remember that
women want you to be confident enough for BOTH you and her. She's looking to YOU to
determine how she should feel about the interaction. Your confidence will spill over to her -
letting her know that she can feel safe with you, and you're going to be the MAN - the one with the
initiative to fulfill all those romantic fantasies of hers.
And if you want to get the complete roadmap of
how to go from home alone to how to meet and attract
the sexy girlfriend of your dreams, then you need
to learn how to approach and flirt with women with
my home study program. It's fast, easy, and guaranteed
to get you from no women to wherever you want to
be in just a few weeks.
Date as many women as you want - for as long as YOU want.
It's up to you...
Go download your copy here: How
to Get a Girlfriend - FAST

Talk soon...
you confidence and success with women - With HONOR and

Carlos Xuma
PS: You might be
reading this right now, just happy to be entertained
with the information I'm sharing. But I want more
than this for you.
I want you to get REAL results
with women.
Stop pretending everything is "fine."
Stop walking away from situations
that make you nervous - like approaching a woman,
or asking her out.
Stop letting the outside world
stop you from being the man you want to be...
Really, the time for denial and
mediocrity is over.
Make a decision that today is the
day things will change forever for you.
Go here now and learn how to make
that change:
HERE: How to Get a Girlfriend - Fast