I debated long and hard about publishing this letter – and my response, but I felt that it was more important to send this out to you and to help guys everywhere understand what being a MAN – an ALPHA Man – is all about. 

The focus in society these days seems to be that we’re “too hard” on our kids. Can’t spank them. Can’t raise your voice to them. You don’t want to traumatize their fragile little brains, now would you? 

For the first time ever, surveys show that parents are MORE afraid of their kids than their kids are afraid of them. 

That is so very wrong and backwards. 

Sure, I’m risking offending a few people here, and not being “politically correct,” and maybe missing out on a few sales, but I don’t care. I tell the truth that needs to be heard. Not to be obnoxious or self-serving, but to help YOU

Read on…



I have a slight problem with something you said in a previous newsletter… 

You said “They are going to SO love having me talk to them. I’m fun, interesting, and I’ve got a shitload of life experience to share with them.” 

That’s all fine and dandy for you… 

You’re a Snowboarder.

You have gone Sky Diving.

You’re a Martial Artist.

You have your own business. 

But what about a guy like me who is an ex-drug addict!

Who don’t own their own business and only worked a few lame ass jobs like at Subway or Little Caesars.

Who has Depression. Who has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and barely touches a door knob because his brain tells him it’s contaminated. 

Who is on Disability… and a number of other problems like [medical details removed. 

Oh and by the way I’m 37 about to be 38 in March. 

I have learned a lot from you and I thank you for that. The thing is now that I have read your ‘3-step Formula’ and all the other stuff I don’t know what to do. 

What am I going to tell these girls? I mean my life has and is messed up. 

I want real one on one answers from you bro, I’m even willing to send you a money order. 

– J.T.



Wow, I guess you’re right. You have it too tough. Your life is horrible. You might as well give up. 

Uh, whatever. That last sentence was complete and utter crap. 

J.T., it’s time for some tough-love. 

I don’t care about all those things you listed. And the fact is – neither should you. 

It’s unfortunate, but it’s life. 

If you continue to identify and live on the self-victimization of your past – always holding yourself back because of these self-imposed ideas about your own shortcomings, you’ll never accomplish anything. 

I’m not going to coddle you or find someone you can cry with. You can spend years of your life in therapy (and I’m not saying you shouldn’t have a little help for your situation), but the fact of the matter is that as long as you want to keep playing the “oh poor me” game, and “I’ll never be as good as Carlos,” you will NEVER reach your OWN potential.

Honestly, stop whining. 


Go BE a snowboarder. 

Go skydive. 

Go take up martial arts. 

Go do whatever it is that fulfills YOU, and makes you happy. 

Whatever it is you want to do in life. 

Start NOW

I don’t care how old you are.

Start NOW

I don’t care what labels you want to use to justify your place in life. 

Start NOW

Honestly, if you’re focusing on women right now, you’re probably off track. You need to focus on YOU. Women are not a fix or a cure. They are a nice addition to an already fulfilling existence. 

Yeah, you’ve got some heavy shit to take care of. 

Maybe you have a “messed up” life. 

So what? 

I did, too. I’ve had my own share of personality problems and obstacles to overcome. I had an “abusive” childhood. I had narcissism and ego problems and self-esteem issues. I spent most of my early 20’s drinking and being angry at the world. 

Well, yeah. Who cares. 

It took me YEARS to get where I could jump out of a plane and be a martial arts teacher, and even learn how to have a full-time, deep relationship with ONE woman. (I don’t have to train my girlfriends or sleep with a new woman every night.) If you think I’m special or some isolated case, you missed the point. 

You see, that’s why I created this programs, so you every guy could get on track with women and his lifestyle. AND so you wouldn’t have to take as long as I did. I’ve got the short-cuts for you. 

Get over it. 

Get to work on your life now, or would you rather we sit here and dwell on all the reasons you were the victim your whole life? 

I wouldn’t do you that disservice. You have infinite potential and ability, if you just start working on it. 

Sure, it’s easier to talk talk talk about all the bad shit you’ve had to deal with. That can be your story if you like. 

Or you can start to re-write it right now. 

You can make your life all about how hard you have it, or make your identity all this downer shit you have going on, or you can put it aside and live your life. 

So if you’re ready to get over this stuff, and get your LIFE on track – something that I teach you that other “pickup artists” do not – then I suggest you get started learning the Secrets of the Alpha Lifestyle here.

Keep your faith and your focus on developing yourself. The next time you talk to a woman, talk about your goals and where you’re going, not where you’ve been and what they called you along the way. 

I don’t think you really want my pity, just some direction. 

Keep your money-order. This is from my heart to yours, bro. 

Remember: No one cares about your hardships. Only how you overcame them. 

Get busy. 

– Carlos Xuma

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