How to Seduce Women: Seduction Techniques of the Alpha Man


This is one of the words I’ve tried to stay away from. I also don’t like talking about “seduction techniques” either.


Mostly because I always felt that “seduction” had a bad meaning underneath it. It sounds like sneakiness and angry male behavior, honestly.

And I’ve also never felt that learning “seduction” or “seduction techniques” is what men REALLY wanted.

But then I came to a realization…

The first is that most guys are actually very ethical about pursuing women. We’re not trying to harm or manipulate women, even when we’re talking about ‘seducing’ women.

We really do want to please women – and ourselves – by being the kind of confident man she wants. We all feel validation when a girl likes us back. It’s what we all want.

And when a guy wants to know how to seduce women, he’s actually talking about the same things I teach, but we’re just using different words.

You see, when guys want to learn a seduction technique, they’re not really talking about “seduction” at all…

They’re talking about creating ATTRACTION.

POWERFUL, hypnotizing attraction techniques.

The kind of techniques that get a woman’s attention like a clap of thunder…

The kind that makes a woman’s heart stop for a beat or two, and the man instantly becomes the center of her attention.

This kind of attraction also lasts long after the night ends. She’s thinking about him constantly.

And the key word here is “powerful” because that’s what men love to feel. Like we’ve got a mysterious POWER over women.

This is the kind of seduction that a woman actually WANTS from a man, believe it or not.

However, most women will not like the term seduction. The same way they don’t like the term “pickup artist.” After all, a pickup artist is simply an “Attraction Artist.”

But we guys like the title of “PUA,” don’t we? It’s like the King of Seduction walked up and said, “I confer upon thee the title Pickup Artist!” :)
Now I’m going to get to some specific ways you can create that kind of attraction with women in just a minute, but first let’s agree on what seduction techniques should do, and how you can seduce women in an ethical way.

The most important thing I teach men is how to be a better man by choosing methods that you don’t have feel creepy or ashamed of.

Seduction techniques should do the following 2 things for you:

1. They have to be simple and easy to use.

Most guys don’t have the time or the interest to learn all these huge systems to seduce women, and all these thousands of seduction techniques. We might want to be an expert, but we need something to just get us going, quick and easy.

If we can just meet women, start attraction, and keep it going, you know the rest takes care of itself.

2. They have to be AUTHENTIC.

You don’t want to feel like a creepy guy that just learned some slick lines to scam women into liking him.

Even the guy that’s out there using a ton of “routines” and scripts – this guy wants to come up with his own genuine attractive persona that women will respond to NATURALLY.

But sometimes you have to memorize a few things that will get you by. Nothing wrong with that.

Because if you’re at all like me, you probably just had NO idea where to start, and all you want is just an example of WHAT it is that naturally attractive guys say to women, right?

And THAT is why I’m not the kind of guy that will give you some lame ass advice about how you should “never” use anything you’ve memorized or rehearsed.

What I advise is that you should never rely *ONLY* on memorized routines. That’s when you’re fake, and women won’t respond to it.

Be REAL with women and you’ll have much more success. And let’s be clear: this is NOT the same thing as “just be yourself.”

So now let’s get going on the seduction techniques (or attraction techniques) that a confident Alpha Man can use to get women…

SEDUCE WOMEN TIP 1: Don’t try to be the clever ‘player’ guy.

Yeah, you know him. He’s the guy with the fake front that he always puts on with women. Sometimes with guys, too.

He ACTS confident, but you can tell that it’s just a thin mask because he’s trying so hard to look like he knows he’s cool and that he can get any woman he wants.

He practically wears a t-shirt that says: “Yeah, I seduce women, and they love it!”

I saw a guy like this at a party last week, and he had this five-o-clock shadow, the “hip” t-shirt, and that swagger that just makes you want to throw up.

Again, this is what is know as BRAVADO. It’s showing off, which screams out “I’m REALLY insecure! But if I’m if I’m loud enough, you won’t know the difference!”

But we do.

This is what you might have heard of as “selling the sizzle, not the steak.”

SEDUCE WOMEN TIP 2: Don’t be too “planned out.”

The kind of seduction techniques that feel best to girls are the ones where the conversation really feels like it’s happening in real-time.

This means that while you can memorize a FEW clever things to say, the best approach is not to try to memorize a lot of stuff, no matter how cool it might sound when you read it.

First of all because the second you feel ANY stress or anxiety, you’ll immediately go blank in your head. I’m sure you’ve had this happen enough to know what I mean.

Most guys go blank when they DON’T memorize something, so it seems to make sense that when you memorize a few things, you’ll conquer this problem.

But it doesn’t really work, does it?

In fact that leads to my second point, which is that if you memorize too much stuff to say, she’ll see when you start digging back into your head for clever lines or things to say.

Here’s my rule for memorizing. It’s so simple, you don’t even have to memorize my rule because it’s so damn simple!


You only need ONE approach, ONE fun thing to talk about, and ONE close to meet any women out there.

ONE of each. Not ten!

The more options you try to use, the more you confuse yourself and trip yourself up.

By the way, one of the easiest techniques I know of to have a lot of cool stuff to talk about without having to memorize it is to watch a lot of movies, and maybe a couple funny television shows.

You can use the plots and the clever “catch phrases” to spice up your conversation anytime. Just use the fun & funny stuff, not the obscure lines that Bruce Willis used in the old “Die Hard” movies, okay?

SEDUCE WOMEN TIP 3: The secret to getting a woman attracted to you is being able to ask the right QUESTIONS.

We’re often told that we need to know the right answer for everything a woman says to get attraction started. If you know how to ANSWER her the right way, she’ll realize that she wants you, right?

First she tests you…

…and then you respond.

But that’s not really true, and it’s one of the big mistakes in pickup today.

Your job is to LEAD the conversation – all the time, not wait to react to the woman. If you just wait to give her clever responses, no matter how cool they are, it sends a hidden signal to her that you’re reacting to her.

Again, a woman knows when you’re REACTIVE rather than PROactive. By learning a whole bunch of witty comebacks, you’re just setting yourself up to be the passive one in the interaction. You’ll be led around by your nose, until you make a mistake.

Women respond most to INITIATIVE.

The secret key to conversations that seduce women is to know how and WHEN to ask a woman questions to get into DEEP rapport with her.

Questions are the power tool of conversations.

The sad fact is that deep rapport is a skill that most guys never learn, and it’s the most POWERFUL technique to seduce women you can possibly use.

Because, ultimately, the amount of TRUST she feels for you will ultimately determine whether you seduce her, or you get shot down yet again.

SEDUCE WOMEN TIP 4: Learn how to touch women correctly.

Once you get past all the “talk” and chit-chat (and even DURING it), a woman has to feel your physical presence. This is the element that will push her over the top into seduction.

You may hear this talked about as “kino” or “kinesthetics,” and it’s just another bit of pickup jargon that means project your confidence with your physical presence.

It’s the way you stand, the way you walk, and how you communicate underneath your words.

It’s how close you stand at the right – or wrong – time.

And once you get the hang of it (it’s super easy, man), you’ll know what I mean.

You know, there was a time I felt ashamed and completely trapped in my inability with women. I was weak and supplicating. I came on way too strong with the girls I dated, and I drove them all off.

The more women I dated, the more I scared away, and the sicker I felt inside.

I got desperate, man. Trapped in that sense of futility that I could never learn what it was that got women attracted to me.

There was even one woman I was on a date with that some people actually saw what I was doing and laughed at me from across a parking lot.

I felt like a complete loser. It was humiliating. I’m pissed just talking about this, but it’s important for you to know.

I promised myself that would never happen again, to me or any other guy I could help.

And I hope this helps you in some way…

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