TOO much success? You gotta be kidding me…


Your material is way too strong. So strong it has gotten me in a situation I have never thought I’d ever be. The question I have is in the opposite direction of almost all the answers I’ve found in Google: “How do I bring a Girlfriend into the ‘friend zone’?”

Here is the motivation of the question… I met this really nice girl, and we went out some times. Now she is deeply in love with me, but I have this feeling that she is not the one for life. She is a nice girl, an excellent person to talk to, very evolved. But I want to have her as a friend, not married and all that. She has a 9 year old son from previous marriage, that also scares me a bit.

So, is there a nice way to become her friend and not end the relationship leading her to thinking that all men are complete jack asses and leaving both her and me miserable for a long time?

– Andre



My god, man… you’re saying that you’re getting TOO successful with my tips?

High quality problem, bro. There are guys out there that are crying for you. The horror of it all.

(Just imagine how potent my other programs are if this is what you’re getting for FREE? :)

Look, her feelings are not your responsibility. Just treat her with respect and confidence, and she will get the right message. Don’t fall into the trap of feeling responsible for another person’s emotions.

She feels those all on her own.

Sounds like she may even be a bit needy as well.

Do the right thing and just tell her how it is…

That’s what an Alpha Man would do…!


Best of luck, Mr. “Too” successful… Be careful what you do with those tactics.

With great power comes great responsibility.

– Carlos

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