Secret Body Language That Hypnotizes Women

There’s a strategy in business circles these days that is finding practical application just about everywhere you can imagine, and I want to share this strategy with you.

It might not seem at first like something that will work on women, but it does.

It’s THAT powerful.

You see, the one thing that typically separates the leaders from the rest of the pack is what they focus on in their experience.

Most people get caught up in trying to keep their low-performers from becoming losers. They figure that the winners will take care of themselves.

But what inevitably happens is that by neglecting the winners, you lose BOTH ways.

In other words, the best strategy for business – and for LIFE – is to get rid of the losers, and then support and push your winners.

The losing strategies in life take ten times more energy to turn into mediocre success than it does to make your winners into SUPERSTARS.

So when it comes to body language, your best bet is to focus on these three secret keys to impress a woman – and then forget most everything else you hear about “pacing” and “mirroring” and stuff like that.

That’s the stuff that every college professor and “PhD.” talks about, but it’s not what the guys who are really getting success with women are doing.

Here’s the first tip for you…

BODY LANGUAGE TIP #1: Focus on your breathing…

The one thing that will give your game up right away is to go talk to a woman with hyper, nervous body language.

And that kind of nervousness and bad vibe starts by not breathing correctly.

Most guys breathe very high up in their chest when they’re in a stressful situation. I used to do the same thing. One of the benefits of learning martial arts is that 1) You constantly being put into a stressful situation, and 2) you learn how to control your breathing.

The best thing you can do is to simply start remembering how to breathe DEEP in your body rather than high up in your chest. Force your stomach out when you breathe.

You might think that breathing is the weirdest “body language tip,” but it is the MOST important one I can give you. If you breathe correctly, it will make all the difference in how you “feel” to a woman.

(This is the part that they mean when you hear people talk about “mirroring.”)

BODY LANGUAGE TIP #2: Straighten up…

Here’s an exercise that you can do that will instantly transform you.

Find an area of blank wall where you can stand with your back against it. You need to have the following points touching the wall at the same time:

– Heels
– Butt
– Shoulders
– Back of your head

If you align all 4 of those points at once, you’ll have what is known as “perfect posture.”

The problem for most guys is that they have such bad habits with regard to their posture that this feels VERY unnatural to them. As a result, they don’t keep it up.

But if you make it a point to stand straight and push your shoulders back, chest out, you’ll make a POWERFUL impression with your stature.

Watch men in leadership positions to see how they accentuate this bit of body language to impress and to establish their “Alpha” manhood.

BODY LANGUAGE TIP #3: Walk quick – move slow…

That may sound like a contradiction, but it’s not.

When you’re walking somewhere on the street, hold your posture, and walk like you’re already a few minutes late. Don’t run, but be INTENTIONAL.

Most guys don’t move with any sense of urgency in their lives.

“Laid back” is fine – sometimes – as a flexible attitude, but it’s not attractive to a woman who wants a man with purpose and direction in his life. Remember that EVERYTHING you say and do communicates this on very subtle wavelengths.

So when you’re interacting with a woman, you then have to SLOW DOWN.

Just with your gestures and your body motion.

You see, when a guy gets nervous, the first thing that happens is this:

– Breathing and heart rate quicken…
– Eyes blink rapidly…
– Perspiration starts…
– Speaking speeds up…
– Gestures and body motion speed up

When you move your hands (and you should – to emphasize points and to spice up your conversation) you should feel like you’re a conductor during a particularly slow part of a symphony…

Just move your hands with a slow, baton waving grace that feels almost like you’re underwater. It’s actually hypnotizing to women when you get this down.

And trust me that by fixing these simple elements, you will improve your body language and attractiveness by a factor of 10 to 100 times.

A lot of guys write in wanting to learn how to “read” a woman’s body language, but this is the wrong frame of thinking. It’s a HUGE trap that I want you to avoid.

If you’re “reading” her, you’re communicating that SHE has the strongest reality – and you’re reacting to HER.

Bad stuff, man.

Instead, the guys that are the most successful with women don’t care one bit about a woman’s body language. AT ALL.

They’re simply projecting themselves so strongly that a woman feels compelled to react to HIM.

That’s Alpha Man behavior, my friend.

As I said at the start, your easiest success is simply getting rid of the losing strategies and behaviors, and getting behind the winners. Body language is one of those areas where just 20% of the changes you make will make 80 to 90% difference in your results.

If you’d like to learn more about the Alpha frame of mind, and how to communicate yourself with power and confidence that women find hypnotic, then you need to learn the rules of Alpha Man behavior.

I have to say that since I discovered this distinction of what it is that really impacts women on a deep and MASSIVE level, my game has doubled with women.

Stay Alpha…

Your friend,

Carlos Xuma

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