30 Days To Success With Women – Day 5

Doing these missions takes a little bit of effort, so I wanted to congratulate you for making it this far.

Most guys will quit before they start. It’s a sad fact, but it’s also empowering when you realize just how easy it is to surpass the mass of men out there who will simply settle for what they can get, not realizing that success lies in just learning a few skills, and braving their comfort zones once in a while.

So today is a small rest, but you still have a small mission to accomplish:

  • Reflect on your male friends you have (or have had). What were they like around women? Confident? Nervous?
  • What kind of relationships do the guys in your life have? (You can include your family here as well.)
  • What kind of women did these guys end up dating/marrying?
  • How do your standards differ from theirs? What is your “conscious criteria” (requirements) for a woman and a relationship?
  • What do you see in their relationships that you will absolutely not tolerate in yours?

You can note these in your journal, or just mentally reflect on them, but that last bullet you need to write down. This one step of identifying the things that you will not accept to keep a woman – or just to get laid – will distinguish you from 90% of the guys out there who will do anything to get in bed with a woman. Just having this decision clear in your mind will immediately change your attitude (and your attractiveness) with women.

Women will sense that you have standards, and you’ll automatically be more attractive as a result.

AND you’ll also filter out the women with really low self-esteem that will make your life a living hell. Trust me, you don’t want them around, no matter how good they look. There are too many quality women out there to deal with the crazies.

– Carlos Xuma

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