How To Get Back Ex Girlfriend 3 Stealth Tactics

Most guys have had a woman that they just couldn’t forget. You probably have at some point in your life. You know, that cute little girl you just couldn’t get enough of. But then something went wrong and you broke up. And all you can think of is how to get back your ex girlfriend.

Well, if you want to really get her back (without scaring her away more with your attempts) then these are the 3 stealth tactics you need to know for how to get back ex gilrfriend. As long as she didn’t jump right into the arms of some other guy, you’ve got a real shot at winning back your ex girlfriend.

Here are the 3 Stealth tactics you need to use:

Get Back Ex Girlfriend – Stealth Tactic 1: Open the Hurt Locker.

The best first step to getting your ex back is to let go of whatever anger you have about the breakup. It may sound a bit basic – and maybe a bit like “magazine-stand” advice, but it’s absolutely necessary. If you’re still angry over the breakup, you will communicate a bad “vibe” that she will pick up on. So you need to let it cool.

It doesn’t have to be just anger – it can be any hurt that you might have over the whole thing. There have been plenty of women that I felt trashed me on the way out, and I had to release my anger to move on.

Part of the process is also letting go of HER at the start, too. Let’s face it – nothing is guaranteed in life. She might move on or get with some other guy, and if you’re not prepared for that, you’ll feel like you’ve been kicked square in the gut. So make sure you’re prepared for the worst at the same time.

Get Back Ex Girlfriend – Stealth Tactic 2: Give her a chance to miss you.

Yes, this means that you can’t go calling her every day, or hanging out as friends. Sometimes guys think that some contact is better than none and they wind up ruining things by destroying the power of this tactic. The reality is that most women will give you a second chance – as long as you don’t ruin it by coming on too strong, or ignoring her boundaries and trying to pressure her into taking you back.

What you have to do is to show her that you can do fine without her. The truth is that if she senses that you are able to move on, she’s going to be drawn to your independence and lack of insecurity. AND she’s going to want to prove something by winning you back if she thinks she’s lost something good.

The longer you can leave her in limbo, wondering what you’re doing and who you’re with, the longer her imagination works in your favor. It’s going to be a battle of wills – but if you can stay on the path, you will be victorious.

Remember my rule of Doubt: The one who is left wondering the longest is the one that winds up wanting to try again.

Get Back Ex Girlfriend – Stealth Tactic 3: Show her the new side.

In order for her to want to try it again with you, she’s got to think that there’s something worth going back to. If you gave her enough space with Stealth Tactic 2, then she’s probably already wondering if she made the right decision. She’ll be second guessing herself.

Now comes the time to move in with Tactic 3.

What you’re going to want to do is setup some kind of innocent “lunch date,” or any reason to meet up and talk. When you set it up, it should sound innocent and yet promising at the same time – without sounding like you’re going to do some kind of scary professing of your undying love.

Here are the keys for this Stealth Date:

1) Be upbeat and fun. No begging or obvious attempts to ask her to come back.

2) Remind her of one really cool romantic time you two shared before. Don’t get sentimental, but remind her of the connection you have.

3) Show her that you’ve made some course corrections. This is your “new side.” If she complained that you liked to stay inside all the time and never went out, then you need to tell her about how you’ve decided to make some changes, and now you’re going out to hang out with friends every week.

4) Thank her for pointing out the thing you needed to work on or change. You want her to really see that you’ve taken in whatever she’s said, and you’re not angry, judging, or blaming. In fact, you’re actually doing the opposite – and that’s the rarest thing in the world for a guy to do.

Then end the date on a high note. No need for you to ask her to come back – or pick up where you left off. You don’t want to voice your intent and steal all the romantic tension. This is a classic mistake that most guys make because they lack any self control.

The only think you need to do next is to wait a few days, then get her to go out with you again, and then you can start to flirt more and begin again.

The key thing to remember here is that you don’t want to talk about it. You don’t want to say: “Hey, let’s give it another shot.” You just start romancing her again, and keep up that new behavior. If she asks, you just keep her guessing and winning her over with your new side.

Trust me – she won’t argue with it, and she’ll be more than happy to fall right back into your arms again.

And if you want respect and attraction from any woman in your life, you need to know the stealth strategies that trigger a woman’s primitive desires. Because when you have confidence with women, you can say anything to her and she will feel attracted to you, respond to you – and respect you.

I’ve got a new free CD you can get right now that will give you the girlfriend you want – without any compromise or pain.

Go get your free CD here: How To Flirt And Talk To Women Free CD

Talk soon…

Wishing you confidence and success with women – With HONOR and integrity.

Carlos Xuma - signature
Carlos Xuma

PS: You might be reading this right now, just happy to be entertained with the information I’m sharing. But I want more than this for you.

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