
Have you ever thought of yourself as skeptical?

I do. I often like to see the proof of what someone claims before I’ll accept it as real.

Funny enough, I got an email from someone the other day, and I’ll include his question here:

“The newsletter I am frequently e-mailed by yourself is of interest to me. You have very accurately analysed the problem of being a “nice guy” etc. and the need to overcome certain habits/personality traits which do not result in success and fulfillment.

“However, what you do not offer is any indication of how good your solution is to these problems. I know the problems exist, and if i believed that your solution held the answers to these problems I would be happy to invest in it. However no investor with any sense will put capital into something of which they know nothing.

“What can you give me (any technique I might try for myself, or part of the course I can read, trial etc.) to assure me that my money will not be wasted?

“Please excuse my skepticism but the world is full of empty promises.

“What can you give me (any technique I might try for myself, or part of the course I can read, trial etc.) to assure me that my money will not be wasted?

“Please excuse my skepticism but the world is full of empty promises.”

Indeed, he may be right about a lot of things he says. There are a lot of empty promises out there made by so-called “gurus” who want you to believe that they have the solution for you.

Do I claim to?


I have A solution that has worked for countless scores of men out there.

But not THE solution. Anyone that tells you they have the only answer is the one to avoid.

However, there IS proof of the power of the Dating Black Book. It’s in the one thing he overlooked:

The countless number of guys who wrote in to testify that my information works.

There are scads of testimonials from guys – just like you – that have achieved new levels of success by reading the material.

I think testimonials are far better proof than a “demonstration.” What better statement than the success of other guys in similar situations? Plus, I send you my free advice every week, a blog that shows the quality of my advice, and you can view a few of the pages out of the e-books right on my site.

But you know what?

I don’t blame you if you’re still a little leery. We live in very cynical times.

How is this for a demonstration of the power of this material: A first-hand study guy who has used our strategies and gotten great success?

I have a scientific case study that was created by an UNBIASED 3rd party. His name is Joe, and he runs the “Seduction Reports” Web site. It’s a free, fair, and non-commercial/non-profit site to point you to the dating and seduction e-books that work.

Read the case study he wrote on my Dating Black Book. You can get it here.

(His email is in the report, too, in case you’d like to check up on the reference…)

Keep in mind that this case study was done on a guy who doesn’t even speak English as his primary language. If he can get this success, imagine what YOU can get.

And remember, there is a complete refund in case The Dating Black Book doesn’t live up to your expectations.

I’ve been around since 2001, and I’ll be here for a lot longer.


Because I create products that PERFORM.


If you still need more than all this to move forward and create a better future for yourself, your skepticism has probably gone beyond healthy. :)

But the BEST part is that there is NO real risk. If you’re not satisfied after using the material I give you, tell me and I’ll cheerfully refund your money.

How cool is that?

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