Author: Carlos Xuma

How to be a MAN

How to be a MAN

What’s it take to be a man these days?
I find myself asking that question a lot. If you watch young boys and how a lot of them are being brought up these days, you’ll find yourself shaking your head as you ask it. What are the important parts of being a MAN?

How to Seduce Women – Seduction Techniques

How to Seduce Women – Seduction Techniques

We really do want to please women – and ourselves – by being the kind of confident man she wants. We all feel validation when a girl likes us back. It’s what we all want. And when a guy wants to know how to seduce women, he’s actually talking about the same things I teach, but we’re just using different words. You see, when guys want to learn a seduction technique, they’re not really talking about “seduction” at all. They’re really talking about…

A Guide to Understanding Women

A Guide to Understanding Women

Does it ever feel like no matter what you say to a woman, you just can’t say the right thing? Do you ever have problems understanding what women are saying to you? I always wished I had a guide to understanding women. It would have made my life SO much simpler. Just a short 100 page paperback that explained the basics so I knew what I was dealing with. Now you can understand what women really mean…

Pick Up Lines – Secrets to Making Pickup Lines WORK

Pick Up Lines – Secrets to Making Pickup Lines WORK

Have you ever heard of “pick up lines” before? Of course you have… Guys have been using them for years. Or, well… I should say they’ve been thinking about using them. They’re actually more of a kind of joke than they are a real way to meet women, right? Well, you need to know why they don’t work for most guys, and what you need to do to meet women for REAL…

Why do women break up with men?

Why do women break up with men?

When I first started dating, I had good luck in finding women, but lousy luck in keeping them. I found myself wondering why do women break up with men, anyway? Is it my looks? Is it my money? Is it my job? But now I know why women behave the way they do, and why women break up with men. These are 3 reasons EVERY man should know about…

Secrets to Flirting With Women

Secrets to Flirting With Women

Flirting with women is something that guys often feel uncomfortable doing. I’ve had many guys write to me to tell me that they were afraid they’d get arrested if they were seen flirting with women in a store or other establishment during the day. (I think this fear is very common, and it holds a lot of guys back from approaching women during the day…) Here are some of my favorite strategies for flirting with women…

Don’t Make This Mistake Choosing a Girlfriend…

Don’t Make This Mistake Choosing a Girlfriend…

Lately I’ve been working on collecting some of my random thoughts and ideas together so that I can put them into the skeleton of a new program for men on inner game and unstoppable confidence. One of the things that guys are asking more about is the subject of relationships. Even the pickup artists out there want a steady relationship after a while…

How to Use Facebook to Meet Women in 4 Easy Steps…

How to Use Facebook to Meet Women in 4 Easy Steps…

I’ve had quite a few guys ask me about using the latest in social networking to get hooked up meeting women. Well, it’s actually not that hard, but you have to do it with some understanding of how to play the game. Because there are many ways to do it wrong, and only a few to do it right. Here’s how you do it RIGHT…

Do Chicks = Trouble?

Do Chicks = Trouble?

Do chicks really equal trouble, the way Motley Crue sings about on their “Saints of Los Angeles” album? I don’t think so. And it’s vitally important to how men view themselves these days that they don’t get pulled into this kind of perception of women. The only chicks that = trouble are the ones that you LET run wild in the playground of your life…