The Trickiest Thing About Women – and What to do About it

Plus, women are turned off when you try too hard. There’s too much pressure on her to be romantic when there isn’t even any chemistry yet.

It’s also why guys shouldn’t buy a woman a drink when approaching her for the first time. There’s nothing attractive about an attitude that says, “I did this, what are you going to do for me?”

So basically, you’re putting on the cart before the horse, when it should be the other way around.

On the first (and possibly second) date, go somewhere light, casual and above all, inexpensive. Remove any element of pressure so you can draw her in slowly.

Feel her out. Get to know her better before making your big move.

Learn who she is, what her interests are and what she’s passionate about.


And when things are going smoothly, make a graceful exit and set up the next date. You’ll leave her on a high note, and that gives her something to look forward to.

Even better, you made the effort to know her first; when you do something special for her on the next date, she knows it came from the heart.

This is a better alternative to making a desperate, one-size-fits-all, over-the-top ploy that will backfire in the end.

That said, don’t be afraid to subvert her expectations. Be different from all the other chumps she’s dated before.

And if you want to truly set yourself apart from the pack, you’ll need to learn something they don’t know.

It’s called Alpha Sexual Power, and you’ll discover the secret to keeping your testosterone at peak levels so you’re always on top of your game.

This makes attracting women effortless because you’re using your inner animalistic charm – it’s something you didn’t know that was there all along.

And I’ll show you how to do it, step by step – your journey starts here.

Stay Alpha,

– Carlos Xuma

Flirt With Women

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